Thursday, February 19, 2015

I'm moving on...

I am going to change my lifestyle! I like eating and I always have. But lately, I've been taking in more of the bad stuff than good ones. I like junk food like chips, sodas, sweets, instant noodles and fatty foods. I know almost everyone does and that's because they really do taste awesome! To change some habits is probably gonna be hard for me but it's for the better. That doesn't mean that it's gonna be a lonely life though. I just need to cut off a bit so I can be healthy. This is not just for physical benefits. It's gonna improve health and mind too. Isn't that awesome?

First off, I'm not fat. Just a bit out of shape with flabby hips and arms. That's what you would expect from a girl who always eat junk food anyway.

Going on a diet and getting in shape is never easy. You have to work hard. You may be tempted or get lazy but you have to find some motivation to do what you need to do. Always remember goals you want to achieve and don't forget that you can't get changes overnight. Everything will be up to you!

I have never gone on a diet before so I am still doing research on what kinds of food I have to take to burn fat and stay healthy. For this post, I am going to go through what I did today for my first day of lifestyle change.

I went out today, for the first time this year, to the gym! I need to get some fat off my body and doing cardio exercises is a way to do it. It also helps with metabolism. Doing it carefree not worrying about poise or whatsoever is best. Move, not just with your legs but with your entire body. Run with your arms, not just holding on to the machine. I do a 45-minute exercise with the treadmill and before, I usually get bored. But I learned that playing your favorite songs while running is the best way to fight it off. It made my exercise fun too. It was like dancing cause you would run with the beat! I play with my phone when I'm walking. It strips a huge amount of my boredom. Since I just started doing exercise again, my body was so tired and my arms and legs kept on shaking. The next few days is gonna be tougher but I'm on it! ヾ(@°▽°@)ノ

For breakfast, I ate cereals which I really like. I just looked for something healthier. I always get those with chocolate and other sweet stuff but now, I am going to try this one!

I'm gonna try and stick to soy milk because I'm to avoid dairy products. Before, I get those Low Fat ones or the Cowhead and nothing else since I usually get stomach problems with milk. I'm gonna figure out if this is gonna work for me or not. But yes, I'm gonna start a no-dairy regime as much as I can.

Did you know that dairy products aren't as healthy as you think they are? Tossing them out may help skin too. Wanna try it out with me?

I'll start oatmeal also. Maybe alternate these two for now. I really have no idea on healthy food. But I'm sure I can find some more fun and healthy stuff to eat!

I tried checking out some recipes for lunch but I couldn't find one that gave me an appetite so I decided to just try and make something out from ingredients that I like with the healthy stuff that I have. Since I love and usually make Beef Salpicao, I tried it on chicken breast! Took out the oil, the butter and garnished it with cherry tomatoes and basil. Here's what I got:

A healthy dish just the way I wanted it to taste! Tbh, I liked it. Next time, I'll have it with brown rice. It's a great substitute for the white one, did you know? Hope I could find some more recipes and put it in my regime. This is gonna be thrilling!

I didn't expect my first day to be fun. I'm not cutting off everything I'm used to in just one day. For now, I'm taking it a step at a time and just stop on junk food.

Thank you so much for reading! Goodluck!

Did this post help you in any way or have suggestions? Let me know what you think by leaving a comment.

P.S. I am not gonna write XOXO. It's a bit too sweet for me. I'm on a diet!

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